INTERCEPT P-80 ESCORT FIGHTERS A formation of American heavy bombers is heading toward Kassel. Their target is likely to be the munitions factory, as the Allies have been hitting these installations hard lately. As you and your flight leader take your Bf 109s out in front of a flight of Me 262s to sweep the enemy escort fighters, you notice that their silhouettes appear different than the P-51s and P-47s you normally encounter. And then you see why...these are the new American jet fighters! YOUR MISSION Follow your flight leader to intercept the P-80s escorting the B-17s. Try to keep the P-80s away from the Me 262s as they make their attack runs on the bombers. Let the 262s attack the bombers while you concentrate on shooting down only the P- 80s, unless all of your jets are shot down. Then, if necessary, you can make a last ditch attempt at stopping any remaining bombers before they hit their target.